There are a lot of Android mobile models such as Huawei, LG, Sony, etc. For detail, please refer to those user manual. Here is the demonstration for common Android mobile device to connect VTC WiFi for student and staff.
1. Press the Home button, and then press the Apps button. Navigate to Settings.
2. Make sure "Wi-Fi" is turned on under “Wireless and Networks”, then press Wi-Fi.
3. For VTC staff, please select "VTC-Staff". For VTC student, please select "VTC-Student".
4. Enter wireless network information
a. EAP method: PEAP
b. Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
c. CA certificate: Use system certificates
d. Domain if required:
e. Identity: Your CNA without ""
f. Enter password: Password of your CNA
g. Then select "Connect".
5. The status of VTC-Staff now changes to "Connected " successfully.
6. Finish