
Now the evaluation is going to add domain name for the portal e.g. dilwllrcsupport.vtc.edu.hk

Evaluation is completed.

Single Sign On (SSO) is succeeded and enabled.  User can login by VTC Computer and Network Application (CNA) Account.

It is convenient to user submitting and checking tickets.

But if a user enter incorrect email address while creating a ticket, user will not be able to check the ticket.

The following features are successful:

· Email ticketing, Automatic email notifications, Merge tickets, Split tickets, Add watchers to a ticket, Time tracking, Ticket templates, Customer satisfaction surveys, Assume identity of other agents, Outbound email, Ticket export and Annotated Image Attachments 

· Reusable replies with canned responses, Agent collision detection, Traffic cop, Public and private notes in tickets, Filtered Search, Integrated Game Mechanics, Occasional Agents, Dynamic placeholders, Custom ticket views, Tags for tickets, solutions & contacts, Quick Actions in Ticket Replies, Summary App and To-Dos.


· Multi-task workflows with one-touch Scenario automations, Round robin ticket assignment and Load balanced ticket assignment.

 · Customizable ticket forms and Dependent fields in ticket forms.

· Multilingual knowledge base, Multiple time zones and Multiple business hours.

· Custom domain mapping, Public portal customization, CSS customization, Complete portal customization, Customizable agent roles and Access to free themes gallery.

I have tested those outstanding items.  Here is the result:

1. Adding domain name for the portal e.g. dilwllrcsupport.vtc.edu.hk

Internal is succeeded but external does NOT work.

2. Adding new VTC email account for testing. e.g. [email protected]


3. To test the freshchat apps whether it is able to response to user who make a conversation through dilwllrc.freshchat.com


Here is the outstanding items:

1. Adding domain name for the portal e.g. dilwllrcsupport.vtc.edu.hk

2. Adding new VTC email account for testing. e.g. [email protected]

3. To test the freshchat apps whether it is able to response to user who make a conversation through dilwllrc.freshchat.com

Most testing is completed:

  1. Submit a ticket by portal
  2. Submit a ticket by email to a single contact e.g. [email protected]
  3. Response a ticket by portal
  4. Response a ticket by freshdesk apps
  5. Adding a new agent (technical support)
  6. Adding a new group
  7. Role assignment e.g. agent, supervisor and reader of report
  8. Agents will be allowed to choose their own name as the sender name in ticket replies and outbound emails.
  9. Automatically categorize, prioritize and assign every incoming ticket to the right agent in the teams, based on the conditions you specify.
  10. Automatically categorize, prioritize and assign every incoming ticket to the right agent in the teams, based on the type e.g. Staff problem, Student problem, Computer Room Problem, AV Problem, etc.
  11. Sending survey to user by email after a ticket is "Resolved".

Most colleagues are invited as agent but some of them are not activated by themselves.
It seems not enough time to evaluate.  Maybe we need to extend the evaluation period.