How to login MS Teams by student account?
If a student is invited to join the conference/class in MS Teams, the student would receive an invitation email.  A link or button is included in the email....
Thu, 13 Feb, 2020 at 8:41 PM
Renewal of Departmental CNA
To extend the Departmental Computer Network Account (CNA), please submit the e-form to ITSD by the link: http://forms.vtc.edu.hk/itsd/dept_cna_extension
Fri, 3 Jan, 2020 at 8:46 AM
How to remove/forget a saved/stored password in mobile device?
There are a various type of mobile device.  Here are some examples for the common mobile device. 1. For general Android mobile device:    a. Goto Menu ...
Wed, 3 Jul, 2019 at 2:24 PM
Doesn't match the IP range while I login to Adobe CC
If the following message is displayed, it mean the Adobe Shared Device License package is running in a workstation which is NOT connected to VTC network.  P...
Wed, 3 Jul, 2019 at 2:22 PM
Can you help to setup some PCs and notebook PC in meeting room?
Please submit your request to Campus Secretariat for coordination at 3928 2499 in advance.
Sun, 30 Jun, 2019 at 10:56 AM
How can I use computer in LRC/DILWL?
If user has CNA, use can login computer in LRC/DILWL. If user has no CNA, please request a guest CNA in the counter of LRC/DILWL.
Sun, 30 Jun, 2019 at 10:50 AM
How can I enter the LRC area?
In general, please refer to "Opening Hours" in DILWL LRC web site http://dilwllrc.vtc.edu.hk. In special, please refer to "Announcement" ...
Sun, 30 Jun, 2019 at 10:48 AM
How to clear stored password in Microsoft Windows
If you're having issues opening Outlook and are using an Office 365 account, your issue might be improperly-formatted credentials stored in Windows Cred...
Fri, 7 Jun, 2019 at 7:14 PM
How to find operating system info in Microsoft Windows
To find operating system info such as  Version, Computer name, domain, Processor, memory, etc., please go to "Control Panel" > "System and...
Fri, 7 Jun, 2019 at 7:04 PM
How can I login to VTC WiFi by Android mobile device?
There are a lot of Android mobile models such as Huawei, LG, Sony, etc.  For detail, please refer to those user manual.  Here is the demonstration for commo...
Wed, 5 Jun, 2019 at 2:32 PM